In this paper, a novel cascaded H- bridge multilevel inverter has been proposed using less number of switches. A standard cascaded multilevel inverter requires 4h number of switches for (2h + 1) levels whereas h is the number of dc sources. This proposed scheme allows less number of switches for the same level. A novel cascaded H- bridge multilevel inverter fed induction motor shows better performance due to fundamental frequency switching scheme using optimal PWM Technique (OPWM). High quality output is derived due to the absence of lower order harmonics. High conversion efficiency is also achieved for induction motor drive when it is operated with the proposed method. When the levels are increased, the number of switches used is very less compared to the conventional cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter. The performance of three phase cascaded H- bridge multilevel inverter with equal dc sources is simulated by using MATLAB platform. Harmonic analysis is done on a novel cascaded H- bridge multilevel inverter with various levels.
• This paper presents a new topology of multilevel inverter which uses less number of switching devices and eliminates the need for capacitors.• It exhibits several attractive features such as less components, simple circuit, modular structure. However as the number of output level increases, the circuit becomes bulky due to the increase in the number of power devices.• In this proposed work, a method is used to compute the switching angles for a multilevel converter so as to produce the required output voltage while at the same time cancel out specified higher order harmonics.
• Harmonic analysis is done on five level, seven level less switch cascaded H-Bridge inverter.• The proposed circuit generates a high-quality output voltage waveform and harmonic components of output voltage are low.

• Multilevel inverters also have several advantages with respect to hard switched two level pulse width-modulation.• “failure of motor bearing” and “insulation breakdown in motor winding” Multilevel inverters will overcome this problem.• Compared to flying capacitor multilevel inverter and diode-clamped multilevel inverter, the cascaded multilevel inverter needs less number of components and simple control methods.• The advantages of cascaded multilevel inverters are good output waveform, low switching stress.
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