ABSTRACT: This project describes the integration of wind power and solar power by interconnecting it to the microgrid that stores and transforms DC power. Nowadays, renewable energy is frequently used. distributed energy sources such as wind power, solar power and so...
ABSTRACT: Here we will control four different home appliances by voice Command. The key components of this project are Arduino, Bluetooth module, Relay module, LCD display, a smartphone, and Android App. At first, we need to install the app on our smartphone, which is...
ABSTRACT: Environmental Policies and laws have saved some trees, but the forest is being lost as critical global issues including climate change, and biodiversity loss and our ecological footprint continue to worsen, nowadays major issue we are facing is tree cutting...
ABSTRACT: There are many Latest Arduino Based Projects which help us to improve our lives in various ways. This project is also one of those projects. And the main purpose of this project is to monitor the drinking cases in any workplace. Let’s take an example,...
AUTOMATIC LOAD SHARING OF TRANSFORMER ABSTRACT: The transformer is very costly and bulky equipment of power system. It operates for 24 hours of a day and feeds the load. Sometimes the situation may occur when the load on the transformer is suddenly increased above its...
RACK & PINION POWER PRODUCTION- POWER INTEGARTED SOLUTIONS TRICHY RACK AND PINION POWER PRODUCTION #projects #powerintegrated #mechanical #engineering #products #realtime #skilltraining www.powerintegrated.in 7639385448 |...